My 2019: yep, Lauren definitely runs now

Long story short, spending 2019 running 10k races around the UK was the best idea I ever had. It's so hard to jump with so much bling around your neck. Photo credit: TartanZone Meda. A year later, I'm a different person I started off 2019 with an intro post to the year ahead that I had planned out. My 2019: wait, Lauren runs now? I said in my intro post I was going to run a 10k each month because it was the best idea ever. And it was. But not for the reasons I thought it was going to be. A year ago, I thought this was the best idea because I thought traveling around the country and seeing and experiencing new things sounded pretty cool. In reality, it was the best idea ever because these experiences have changed me as a person (and for the better). The me going into 2020 feels more confident. More accomplished. More capable. So while the traveling and seeing new stuff was cool, I wanted to write an outro post to dig into the ways my 2019 has ...