2020 half marathons: January to June

With no races on the horizon for a while, I decided to recap the first half of my 2020 monthly half marathon runs. Oh, the places I've run. A half marathon a month This year I set myself the challenge to run a half marathon a month. It seemed like the next logical step up from 2019, which I spent running a different 10k race each month. My 2019 10k race recaps Even before the pandemic, my goal was for a monthly 13.1 mile run, not necessarily a race. Now because of the pandemic, racing (at least, non-virtual racing) is on hold. Because of this, I've tried to get more creative in my route-planning the past few months to make each half interesting. Plus, as I don't own a bike, these long runs are my opportunity to see more of Edinburgh than I usually can while I avoid public transport. January: south west My January half marathon was only my second one ever. The route took me through lots of neighborhoods in south west Edinburgh. This led ...