2020 half marathons: July to December

My last 6 half marathons of 2020 featured 2 virtual races and some pretty muddy trails. Oh, the places I ran. Missed the first half of my 2020 runs? My January to June post covers my first 6 half marathons and why I embarked on this challenge in 2020. January to June 2020 half marathons blog recap July: Newhaven I wanted to run as far north as I could possibly go before I'd be swimming. So I chose to run to Newhaven Harbour. The route was a similar experience to my February half marathon to Musselburgh and Portobello. The first 8 miles toward the water were pretty much all downhill. I made excellent time. Reaching Newhaven Harbour. Then the last 5 miles were largely uphill. Climbing up Easter Road wiped out all my energy. It's not a particularly steep road, but it is almost a full mile of a gradual incline. When I got to the big hill at the Pleasance, I had to stop and walk some of it. My body literally could not run up it by that point. Same thing happened at another big hill ...