March 2021 challenge: Speed work

After a month of trying out speed work for the first time, the verdict is in: I like it, but I tired myself out.

Fundraising for JCWI in 2021

This is the 3rd recap post of my 2021 monthly running challenges. These challenges are part of my fundraiser for the Joint Council for the Welfare of Immigrants (JCWI). 

Recapping the horrors of UK immigration each month

As part of my fundraising efforts, I am also raising awareness about what's happening in the world of UK immigration each month.

I want people to understand just how much awfulness happens in 28 to 31 days. My recaps will be over on my Medium site.

Why speed work

While I have been running for 3 years, in that entire time, I've never done anything to work on my pace or my form. I just run.

So in a year of monthly challenges, I thought trying out speed work would be a good shout.

While it won't be the most exciting-sounding challenge I do all year, it is one of the more challenging ones.

Running every day (January) or running in the shape of a heart (February) is an easy thing to do. Speed work takes research and focus.

My speed work sessions

I tried out 2 speed work formats over 8 sessions. I ran both of them 4 times each over 2 weeks. 

Speed work session 1 format

  • 15 minute warm-up
  • 6 x 1 minute high intensity, 2 minutes low intensity
  • 10 minute cool-down
I discovered this session in a Runner's World UK article.

Speed work session 2 format

  • 10 minute warm-up
  • 10 x 1 minute high intensity, 1 minute low intensity
  • 10 minute cool-down
I actually got this idea from another runner on Twitter. My fundraising buddy Thia and I hosted the UKRunChat hour on Twitter on 10 March.

The chat hour was basically Thia and me asking the Twitter running community a bunch of questions. I asked for speed work recommendations and tips. This interval session is what someone suggested to me.

Speed work in selfies

While doing speed work, it kind of would have defeated the purpose to keep stopping to take interesting photos for this blog.

Instead, I just took a selfie at the end of each session with a facial expression to convey how I felt about it.

I present to you now, the selfies of Speed Work Lauren:

Session 1: Oo, I like going fast!

Me smiling after my first speed work session.
Full of such hope for the speed work sessions ahead.

Session 2: Oh, kinda tired now

Me with a slightly tired expression after my 2nd speed work session.
Realizing that speed work is actually tiring.

Session 3: Feeling energized, but running slower

Me looking confident after speed work session 3 but still getting slower.
Just gonna act cool even though I'm slowing down.

Session 4: All the Scottish weather in one run

Me in sunglasses and a rain coat after speed work session 4.
You know it's Scotland when you need to wear sunglasses with a rain coat.

Session 5: Liking the 10 rep intervals

Me in sunglasses and a black shirt after speed work session 5.
Black was definitely not the color for such a sunny run.

Session 6: Shorts weather!!!

Me smiling in shorts and a tank top.
There is no happier Lauren than Shorts Lauren.

Session 7: Windy and I keep getting slower

Me with windswept hair looking tired.
Nothing like speed work into a west wind.

Session 8: Officially tired

Me with my head against a fence looking very tired.
Yeah, I need a break.

How it went overall

I think I might have overdone it with speed work. My original intention was to only try it out once a week, but me being me, I upped it to 2. 

The 1st session started off really great. I found the high intensity intervals exhilarating. 

But each subsequent session saw me get gradually slower and more tired. Things slightly improved when I switched to the 2nd session format, but then immediately got slower again.

Session 8 really wasn't much of speed work. My legs were done. 

Despite the tiredness and the monthly challenge coming to an end, I'd still like to continue speed work sessions. I'll just do them more informally and no more than once a week.

There are also lots of other speed work sessions to try out. 

I think it's too early to judge any benefits from it. Let's wait a few months and see what I'm like when I finally get to race in person again.

Until then, a final plug for the fundraiser. That's what this is all about after all.

April challenge

10 days of 10k's

I'm running my favorite distance every day for 10 days.


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