Running in 2023

While running is still important to me, I didn't enjoy racing in 2023. I'm hoping to make racing more social in 2024.

Me jumping in the air with my medal at Manchester Half Marathon.
Manchester Half Marathon was the most enjoyable race of 2023.

A year of unfulfilling races

Like 2022, I ran 5 races in 2023. I'm actually surprised my race total was the same as last year because I felt like I wasn't looking for races for most of the year.

Most of those races didn't feel worth my time.

I regretted signing up for the Edinburgh Winter Run 5k and paying money to run a route on my own I've done quite a few times before.

Fox Trail 16k was beautiful and ultimately worth it, but I didn't get any sleep the night before and it was a long, early bus journey to get to the race.

A sandy beach under blue skies.
Beach running at Fox Trail 16k.

Edinburgh Half Marathon didn't feel very special this year without getting a PB like I did last year. 

The Loch Ness Marathon was painful, and I did not enjoy how remote the race was with few crowds along the route. The experience made me want to put a pause on marathon running.

Loch Ness with mountains in the background.
Lake running at Loch Ness Marathon.

Manchester Half Marathon was the only race this year that felt enjoyable on the majority of fronts. It had a good atmosphere, and I felt a sense of accomplishment getting a good time two weeks after running a marathon with no other runs in between.

A year of no 'cool' races

In my 2022 running reflections post, I hoped in 2023 that I would run a marathon and sign up to 'cool' races with an interesting selling point.

I ran a marathon, but I don't think any of the races I signed up to had an interesting feature that would have met my definition of cool. The Fox Trail race came closest with its combination of trail and beach, but my definition of cool means traveling to a new place. 

I had hoped to run the Valencia Marathon which looked pretty awesome from what I read about it, but I left it too late to sign up. That led me to the Loch Ness Marathon which didn't check the boxes for my definition of cool.

I'm not too bothered about not having signed up to cool races because I don't think that would have helped with what made racing feel unfulfilling in 2023: running by myself.

Bored of racing by myself

To be clear, I don't want running or racing to be an entirely social thing. I value running on my own. But in terms of racing, it felt boring this year not doing any races with anyone.

I especially felt this while doing the Loch Ness Marathon on my own, compared with last year's experience of running the Yorkshire Marathon with my boyfriend. Running with my partner was more fun.

Even a race route I don't care for would be more interesting with someone else running it with me. 

I want more social racing in 2024

With that said, I want more social racing in 2024. By that I mean, in terms of races, unless it's a really interesting one, I don't have the motivation to sign up to anything I would run on my own. It just doesn't feel worth my time or money at the moment.

So for anyone in my network reading this, if you're interested in doing a race of any length up to half marathon in 2024, feel free to ask me to run with you.

And if you're not in to racing but want to do a Parkrun, ask me that, too.

It doesn't matter if you're an experienced runner, totally new to it, or want to get back into it. If running with someone would give you the motivation to challenge yourself or you just like the idea of company, too, let's run. 

And by running together, I don't mean we have to run the same pace necessarily, just do the same event. I'm not a fast runner, averaging somewhere between 10 and 11 minutes per mile these days.

Before anyone suggests joining a running club, I've considered it before, but ultimately I don't think that's what I want or need right now. 

I don't want such a regular running commitment like that (other than running on my own) and there isn't a club near enough to me I could walk to. I  don't fancy the idea of cycling to run, running, and then cycling back home.

This is something I'd just like to focus on in 2024 in terms of racing.

The idea came to mind when catching up with a friend at a conference recently who mentioned they wanted to get back into running, and I offered to run a race with them. The idea of doing a race with someone felt exciting, so I know this is what I need to motivate me to run races in the new year.

Goodbye 2023. You were a forgettable running year. Here's to better running in 2024.


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